Sunday, April 12, 2009


So, I've been a total slacker on blogging for the last few weeks since I went on my trip to Tampa, Florida. I had visions of being able to use the hotel computers, since I didn't want to pack my laptop with me for the trip, and blogging about all my reading and my trip experiences. Well, it went the way that visions go which is to say it didn't happen at all. The computers that the Hyatt had were being used 24/7 and were impossible to get access to the whole time I was there. Anyway, those are my excuses, so now I'm making an attempt to get caught up.

You might be wondering what the hell AAHPERD stands for and it is the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. They have a national meeting once every year in different locations across the United States. As a part of the Kinesiology Club I have been lucky enough to attend one in Salt Lake City, Utah and one in Fortworth, Texas. This year, probably will be my last, and as the President of the club I really wanted to go and get one more really good convention in while I still could. They probably don't sound like much fun to the outsider but they really get me excited about my major all over again every time I go. It's a big week long convention for PE/Health teachers, exercise science people, athletic trainers and various other professions within the sporting realm. They have several different seminars that you can attend everyday that give presentations on things like research results from different universities on health, they have sessions on new sports equipment and ways to exercise, new lesson plans for teachers and ways to do things more efficiently in the classroom, etc. If it has anything to do with health and fitness it is at this convention. In addition, they have a big exhibit hall packed with booths that are giving away free products and information, enter you in drawings to win things like ipods and Wii fitness machines, and allow you to test out new equipment like DDR's and the rockwall treadmill. They also have shows going on at various times in the building by local dancers and students. They perform anything from small dance competitions to jump roping contests to stacking races (this is cup stacking that sounds really silly but is amazing to watch). Oh, and I was able to meet the Olympic track star Carl Lewis, I got a picture with him and his autograph...I thought that was pretty cool.

I am honored every year that I get to go and I enjoy coming back with new ideas that not only help me but that I can share with the club as well. I am always recruiting new students for the club and this is one of the best selling points for me to lure people in. I have posted a few pictures of just a portion of what the convention looks like in case any of you bloggers are curious.

Anyway, this was a real whirlwind trip and we flew all day Tuesday and Friday to get there and back again and only had two days to get through the entire convention so it was nuts. I also always end up getting talked in to doing crazy fitness stuff while I'm at these things and so we tire ourselves out really quickly. In addition, one of my friends and I decided to go on a journey to find a Barnes & Noble store and walked a good 5 miles until we found one. We were a little tired, sweaty, and sunburnt by the time we got there so we spent some time inside cooling down before we trekked back the 5 miles to the hotel. I had so many grand plans to catch up on my reading while I was flying and during what I thought would be "down time" but that did not happen. We didn't seem to have many spare moments and when we did we were exhausted and trying to catch some sleep.

I was able to read some Booker T. Washington while on the trip and I bought a book in the airport by Sherman Alexie called "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian." This book was laugh out loud hilarious and then at times kind of heartbreaking. I am currently pestering my son to read it but I don't think he's interested. Anyway, it was a quick read and completely enjoyable...I'll try to share more on this later.

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