Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well, I've been out of school now since May and nothing magical has happened yet. I have had a little more time to get some things done around my house but other than that...just nothing. I'm still waiting for my fantasy job with big bucks to come into my life but so far...nope. Just working with the same old boorish people I always have and trying not to go postal each day. I swear...what is it about me that makes people think I need to be talked to like I'm a child? I'd like to think its because of my youthful appearance but then I'm so sick of it that I could kick someone upside the head about now. Well, this is just becoming a small tirade so I will stop it here. Wish me luck in my job hunt!

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve...Yippee!

Well, it's been a while since I used this blog...for shame I know. But, I was recently reading the blog of a friend and it made me miss my little old lit blog. I guess it inspired me to get back to what I love to my mom keep's telling me, I need to learn to relax and enjoy my down time. So, I am leaving my job for the evening, going to go pick up a fuzzy little wayward traveler and go home to my children and ring in the new year with them. Hope all my blog followers have a safe and happy New Year!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What I've been agonizing over all week...

Alright, contrary to what Hepworth thinks this is a video I made for my Media class. I just wanted to share it with anyone who was's not the finished product because that one is simply too large to upload here. I did not take any of the pictures myself but instead found the images in various places and put them to music and added facts to the mix. I don't think this version shows my facts either...what a bummer. It's supposed to be my version of a public service announcement on the problem of eating disorders. I wish it would have worked...but oh well.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Reading List

I finally got a chance to read some Toni Morrison...I think I'm a new fan. I really enjoyed her story about the girls who were both put in the orphanage, one because her mom was ill and the other because her mom liked to stay out all night and "dance." One black, the other white, they become the best of friends and then are both taken from the home and go on with their lives only meeting up at various times throughout their adult life. Each encounter is different than the last and it seems they are conflicted about the things they remember happening while they lived at the orphanage. The basic gist of the story is that they were both sad and scared little girls that let some of that fear enter their adult life and which kept them at odds at some points in their lives. I liked it, very true to life for people who have shared fears and hardships.

I will comment on the rest of my reading later but it is 4:30 in the morning and I have not been to bed yet...trying to get caught up...hopefully I can make it out of bed in a few hours to start again. Yikes!

Final Project

Ok, this project has be stumped! I want to do it on one of the Native American short stories I have read this semester...I think. However, I'm a little nervous about just asking a Native person if I can take their picture for my blog. I am still formulating something and will post it soon.

Updike Story

Coming version of Updike's story, "Trust Me". I have been thinking about writing it from the perspective of the teenage son...I'm not decided yet.


Stay tuned I will be uploading my podcast soon! If I can figure it out!